Newspapers across America published reports of strange airships in the skies. Most sightings included common elements such as flapping wings, a metal hull, and a cigar-shaped body. Some had encounters with beings.

The airship wave sightings began in California in 1896 and later in other states, generally moving eastward across the United States. Some witness accounts said occupants were visible on some crafts…

Weird Darkness Descends on KGRAdb! Ah, there’s nothing like waking up to a fresh cup of hot coffee with a heaping side of horror. KGRAdb listeners are in store for a special morning drive-time treat as award-winning voice actor Darren Marlar joins the family with his acclaimed podcast Weird Darkness. Joining our
airwaves on November 6th…

I’d like to personally welcome award-winning host and creator Darren Marlar and Weird Darkness to
KGRA. We are excited to offer our audience this special Halloween treat every weekday! (M-F 10 AM
Also, keep an eye

Sasquatch Sighting Squashed? A recent video making the rounds on social media and even on global mainstream news media caused quite a stir. After all, if authentic, it could be some of the best evidence of the elusive beings ever. The video was taken by a couple traveling…

Her name is as infamous as the crime she allegedly committed. For some, the name Lizzie Borden brings to mind a gruesome children’s nursery rhyme: “Lizzie Borden took an axe, And gave her mother forty whacks. When she saw…

By Darren Marlar, host of the Weird Darkness podcast