A World Awaking - Andrea Perron


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A World Awakening

Friday’s 10:00 pm. to 11:00 pm. EASTERN

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“A World Awakening” focuses on what is utterly invisible, the impact made on our collective consciousness regarding the existential threats we face amid this singular moment in history, defined as a Paradigm Shift: Everything has changed. Nothing will ever be the same again. Perceptions are fundamentally altered by a series of predictable and unpredictable events. The time is NOW for our great awakening to occur as we achieve a heightened level of awareness globally, confronting our fragile mortality simultaneously as the realization of ONENESS emerges along with a deadly invisible virus. Those among us who feel what is happening are bound to respond to it with empathy.  The true nature of our being is firmly rooted in love, and the only accurate measure of love is the corresponding grief we suffer in loss as our hearts are torn asunder, and warm tears spill like soft summer rain. Separation is an illusion, one actively perpetrated and perpetuated by those who believe in its benefit for their own nefarious purposes, to retain some semblance of power, yet another lie. The truth is much less complicated but far more than a bumper sticker. We are all in this together. Mere mortals, members of the human race, must make a thoughtful choice. We shall either dwell in the darkness of willful ignorance or live in the light of a new day dawning.

Andrea Perron - House Photos

Host Bio:

Andrea Perron

Andrea Perron is the author of “House of Darkness House of Light,” a supernatural trilogy that is the true story behind the 2013 feature film “The Conjuring.” She has also co-authored the historically-based mystery/thriller “In a Flicker” with George R. Lopez. During her frequent travels, she lectures about spirituality, metaphysics, and all paranormal phenomena, concentrating her research in Ufology, a lifelong curiosity, and fascination. It is her passion, bearing new fruit in recent years. Her latest release is entitled “A Wonder to Behold: Guideposts for Intergalactic Engagement with Humanity,” true labor of love honoring the Galactic Family of Light.

Earning a B.A. in Philosophy and English from Chatham College in 1980, she has since worked in several fields as an entrepreneur, youth counselor, and actor, pursuing various eclectic interests over the decades. Currently, Andrea is writing the screenplay of her haunting family saga, collaborating within the film industry to bring their true story to light on the silver screen.

As an outspoken human rights advocate and animal rights activist, all she does, she does with love, always the best of intentions. It is her genuine desire to spread her positive message to as many as possible, hoping it will resonate with like-minded mortals as she relentlessly strives to dispel fear, bring peace to our troubled planet, and do her part to help heal the world of its woes.

Andrea Perron - A World Awaking
Andrea Perron - Trilogy Books

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