Every week, popular co-hosts Darcy Weir and Andy Marcial dive headfirst into all the latest news and events surrounding UFOTwitter. The duo presents the most compelling stories, and listeners and speakers from UFOTwitter are invited to take part in the conversation in a proper UFO Town Hall-style discussion. Additionally, special guests are invited…

As we go deeper into the UFO mystery during these wild times, it is always interesting to see the many open fronts there have been for millennia investigating phenomena that have shaped human
culture for generations. The world’s first control systems from this iteration of human civilization were organized religions, which became a reality once Judaism started picking up steam between the 20th and the 18th Century B.C. All of those books share some common tropes that originate from an…

October! Time to carve your… turnips? This month is rich with legends, lore, and symbolism, making it a spooky and fascinating time of year.Of course, there’s the obvious one–Halloween- a biggie for us ghost hunters and mystery chasers. Many familiar and iconic images of the season come with it–witches, ghosts, black cats, and jack-olanterns. Behind that story is an old Irish legend from the 1700s…

Beneath the waves of our oceans and seas lie the remnants of civilizations that once thrived on land. These underwater cities offer us a glimpse into the past, each with a unique story of natural disasters, rising sea levels, or abandonment. Let’s dive into the fascinating world of the top five underwater cities that continue to captivate historians, archaeologists, and explorers…

I met Bonnie Hinman via the wonders of social media. She sent photos of a very old medieval statue that she’d had in her possession for many years. Ms. Hinman had been very careful about who to place her trust in and had been observing my actions
on Facebook and my own Blog for some time. I am grateful that I passed her scrutiny as the statue is magnificent, and his story is fascinating on many levels. At first, I admit that I walked past the project for several months. But something kept whispering in the back of my mind, and I could not forget the dignified statue…

A 58-year-old man from Haikou, in China’s Hainan Province (and no, I refuse to rewrite this story to make it into a Haiku because nobody likes Haikus – plus, I’m too lazy). Anyway, this guy – let’s call him Mr. Haiku
recently experienced what can only be described as theultimate entomophobe’s nightmare…