William Alexander, 1st Earl of Stirling’s involvement in the fictional story of “Arcadia” by Philip Sidney appears to be the source of the original Oak Island Treasure story. Why would this story be applied to this mystery? What further evidence is there to support this notion? Any examination will compel us to consider one of two possible scenarios as to how this happened. Either the treasure at Oak Island was contrived to fit the fiction of Arcadia, or the fictional story refers to a real treasure they knew was buried in the Money Pit at Oak Island. There are many factors…

Exciting times at KGRAdb! We have lots of changes coming in the weeks and months ahead—new content, new shows, and special events. Executive Producer and Program Director Bill Skywatcher, said, “There are so many new and exciting things happening at KGRA. We have a jam-packed line-up, with some incredible new popular shows, and, of course, many great shows and hosts…

In an exclusive interview with the Roswell Daily Record, Documentary Film Director Luigi Vendittelli discussed his upcoming Project Gravitaur, his life as a UAP researcher, and the creation of a revolutionary new way to tell the story of Bob Lazar and his experience working at a top-secret military facility, Area 51.

Vendittelli’s journey into the realm of UFO research…

by Don Ecker
Disclosure! The “Great Holy Grail” of the UFO movement. The UFO faithful have been expecting something profound since December 2017. With the announcement of the Nimitz battle group encounters with the “Tic-Tacs” and then former Senator Harry Reid’s disclosure of a secret…

Basel, Switzerland 1566 -A series of mass sightings of celestial phenomena. According to records, on July 27-28 and August 7, many local witnesses in Basel reported seeing three different phenomena. The first is described as an unusual sunrise, the second as a total eclipse of the moon with a red sun rising, and the third as a cloud of black spheres in front of the…