Normally Paranormal – We’ve all seen the smirks and heard the dumb jokes on TV news whenever there’s a story about something anomalous. Everyone was always interested in hearing all about it, but heaven forbid they should admit they might believe in such things as ETs or ghosts! But that’s beginning to change. Now, we see some …
DOUBLE PASSION: FINE ART AND UFOS – We sure have some exciting and talented show hosts in our KGRAdb lineup. This shouldn’t surprise anyone; many of our watchers and listeners already know and love our shows and presenters. But while you may know them as researchers…
Enigma Labs launches state UFO sighting webpages. By Toby Martinez and Maximo Veron. In the study of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) and UFOs, a company has launched a new way to track sightings and view videos of these events based on the state where they occurred. Alejandro Rojas, a long-time researcher and consultant for Enigma Labs, shared…
Bigfoot’s Playdate – by Darren Marlar, Host of Weird Darkness, #MindOfMarlar – If you’re planning a picnic, almost everyone knows your biggest enemy is going to be ants. Those dreaded, six-legged creepy-crawlers that seem capable of lifting an entire pickup truck over their heads…