Tag Archive for: Time Machine

It never ceases to amaze us when new discoveries of our past are made. But incredibly, we keep witnessing as archeologists or locals uncover new Information and new evidence from these sites, often changing our views of how our ancestors lived and operated. Some of the discoveries have literally changed history, The Rosetta Stone, Gobleki Tepe, and King Tut’s Tomb…


1883, Zacatecas, Mexico

On August 12, the astronomer José Bonilla photographed hundreds of dark objects crossing the sun while observing sunspot activity at Zacatecas Observator…

Basel, Switzerland 1566 -A series of mass sightings of celestial phenomena. According to records, on July 27-28 and August 7, many local witnesses in Basel reported seeing three different phenomena. The first is described as an unusual sunrise, the second as a total eclipse of the moon with a red sun rising, and the third as a cloud of black spheres in front of the…

New Hampshire, USA, September 19, 1961 – Married couple Betty and Barney Hill experienced the first widely publicized alien abduction event…

570 BC Babylon

While in exile in Babylon, the prophet Ezekiel reported seeing multiple metallic “wheels” in the sky. His description…

Newspapers across America published reports of strange airships in the skies. Most sightings included common elements such as flapping wings, a metal hull, and a cigar-shaped body. Some had encounters with beings.

The airship wave sightings began in California in 1896 and later in other states, generally moving eastward across the United States. Some witness accounts said occupants were visible on some crafts…

Bavaria, 1561 Residents of Nuremberg described an aerial battle, followed by the appearance of a large black triangular object and then a crash outside of the city. A news notice recorded…

KGRAdb.com – August 2023 Time Machine
Ancient Egypt 1450 BC — After conquering the ancient Nubian city of Napata, Thutmose III had a stele erected at the Temple of Amun