Touched By Angels
Do you believe in angels? It’s an idea most of us grew up with, and, more often than not, the subject of angels was generally spoken about in church or other religious training. But angel experiences, like most supernatural phenomena, are no respecter of persons and can happen to anyone at any time, especially in those times of urgent need, regardless of one’s personal beliefs.
One such account comes from a middle-aged woman who claims to have had a life-changing encounter with an angelic presence during a terribly difficult time in her life. For anonymity, we’ll call her Jane Smith; she was in deep grief over losing a loved one when she suddenly and inexplicably felt a soothing presence in the room. She described the encounter as a warm and comforting embrace, and she firmly believes it was an angel sent to offer her solace during her time of need.
In another compelling account, John Davis, a war veteran, believes he had a life-saving encounter with an angel on the battlefield. Davis recounts a harrowing experience during combat when he was suddenly shielded from an explosion by what he describes as a luminous figure. He believes this entity, which he identifies as an angel, intervened to protect him from harm. This encounter deeply impacted Davis, leading him to a renewed sense of purpose in life.
These events are more common than we think, and, as a matter of fact, a new Associated Press poll shows that 77 percent of Americans believe in angels. Most beliefs in these ethereal beings are tied in with religion, with 88 percent of Christians, 95 percent of evangelical Christians, and 94 percent of those who attend weekly religious services of any sort saying they believe in angels.
However, belief in angels is also a phenomenon experienced among many less religious or even non-believing folks. Strikingly, most non-Christian Americans think angels exist, and more than 4 in 10 of those who never attend religious services.
But, of course, belief in angels is global and cross-cultural. Angels have been essential to religious and cultural beliefs worldwide for thousands of years. Although the concept of angels varies from culture to culture, they are generally considered to be supernatural beings that are messengers of a higher power. In this article, we will explore the different cultural and religious beliefs in angels, including their characteristics, roles, and significance.
Christianity: In Christianity, angels are believed to be created by God and are considered messengers and servants of God. They are depicted as spiritual beings who are benevolent, beautiful, and powerful. Angels are believed to have different ranks and functions, including guardian angels who protect humans, archangels who are associated with significant events and figures in the Bible, and cherubim and seraphim, who are depicted as having multiple wings and singing praises to God. In Christianity, angels are often depicted in artwork and are essential to Christmas and Easter celebrations.
Islam: In Islam, angels are also believed to be created by God and are considered to be messengers of God. They are depicted as spiritual beings who are loyal and obedient to God. The Quran mentions many different types of angels, including the angel of death, the angel of revelation, and the angels who record people’s deeds. In Islam, angels are not depicted in artwork or sculptures, as this is considered to be idolatry.
Judaism: In Judaism, angels are also believed to be created by God and are considered to be messengers of God. They are depicted as spiritual beings obedient to God and have a hierarchy of different ranks and functions. Angels are believed to have a specific role in the afterlife, and Judaism, it is believed that everyone has a guardian angel who protects them throughout their life.
Hinduism: In Hinduism, angels are known as devas and are believed to be spiritual beings that reside in the heavens. They are often associated with specific gods and goddesses. They are considered to have different functions, such as protecting humans, controlling nature’s forces, and ensuring life’s continuity. In Hinduism, many kinds exist, including the Devas of Light and Sound and the Devas of Time.
Buddhism: In Buddhism, angels are known as devas and are considered powerful spiritual beings residing in the heavens. They are often depicted as having a higher understanding of the universe and are believed to be able to guide humans toward enlightenment. In Buddhism, devas are not worshipped but are considered part of the cycle of life and death.
In conclusion, angels are important in many different cultural and religious beliefs. Although their characteristics and roles may vary from culture to culture, they are generally considered messengers of a higher power who help guide and protect humans. By understanding the different beliefs surrounding angels, we can gain a greater appreciation for the diversity and richness of human culture.
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– Editor