Note From the Editor - Newsletter - KGRA Digital Broadcasting

KGRA Digital Broadcasting Host Spotlight

Rene Barnett, Editor

We at KGRAdb recognize the vast contributions our hosts and their shows make to the entire platform. Their creativity, dedicated research, and thoughtful shows cover the subjects we all love—UFOs, Hauntings, Cryptids, Mysteries of History, and more! With this in mind, each issue of the KGRAdb Newsletter will spotlight one of our wonderful shows.

In this issue, we’d like to showcase a KGRAdb veteran AND newcomer as our dear friend and colleague Don Ecker returns to our airwaves with his wildly popular and always informative Dark Matters.

Don and his team, Gerry Kissell and Mark Center, tackle the tough subjects and ask the hard questions on Dark Matters every Monday at 7-9 PM Eastern on KGRAdb.

(Quick note: I’ll put my old UFO magazine colleague, Don Ecker, on the hot seat this Friday at 11 PM Eastern on NightVision. – Ed.)